
洋蔥是個喜歡傳 reels 幹片給朋友的人,但是漸漸地他的朋友不再點開他傳的幹片,這讓他很傷心。
在深思熟慮後,洋蔥決定直接傳歌詞的文字給他朋友,但是他傳的歌詞的文字會是錯的。在他朋友點開訊息後,將會看到錯的歌詞,就在他們還在疑惑的時候,洋蔥就馬上傳正確的歌詞給他們,讓他們被啪的猝不及防被 rickroll (或其他類似的同義詞),此乃忍術零幀起手之術です。

但是網路上只有正確的歌詞,洋蔥想要產生錯誤的歌詞。他想要把正確歌詞內所有單字 $a$ 全部換成單字 $b$。請你告訴他 $a$ 在原本的歌詞內出現幾次,並輸出替換過的歌詞。

為了騙過朋友,就算 $a$ 是某個字的子字串,一樣將 $a$ 替換成 $b$。

Input Format

第二行是兩個字串 $a$、$b$,$a$ 為要被替換的舊單字,$b$ 為新單字。

Output Format

第一行是 $a$ 在正確歌詞中出現幾次。

Sample Input 1

Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you.
Never Always

Sample Output 1

Always gonna give you up. Always gonna let you down. Always gonna run around and desert you.

Sample Input 2

Super Idol's smile is not as sweet as yours. Sunshine in the midnoon of August is not as bright as you. Adoring you of 105 degree. Dropping water of pureness.
you he

Sample Output 2

Super Idol's smile is not as sweet as hers. Sunshine in the midnoon of August is not as bright as he. Adoring he of 105 degree. Dropping water of pureness.


聽說 find()replace() 很好用ㄟ

Problem Source


No. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~1 $a$ 不會是任何字的子字串 40
2 2~4 輸入無其他限制 60

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 2000 65536 65536 1
1 2000 65536 65536 1
2 2000 65536 65536 2
3 2000 65536 65536 2
4 2000 65536 65536 2